Steijn Leijzer landing a whip for the first time, no-hander from Martijn Straatman over the big gap and almost a 540 from Sharvan off the big platform, he hurt his head hard on that one though.
The furthest 180 did continue. It was between Mark Vos, Roy van Kempen and Thomas Ruissen. With Mark Vos going down twice very hard. It was between now Roy and Thomas! Eventually Thomas Ruissen took it with +- 5 meters, winning him a goody bag with loads of stuff from Paul’s Boutique and some new shoes!
-Thomas Ruissen with the biggest 180.
-Roy van Kempen with all the sick stuff he did!
-Julius Moorman for bruising his ankle in the beginning with a 180 tailwhip and still stayed for the whole jam! Good luck with your ankle man!
-Martijn Straatman for the big no-hander gap.
-Sem Kok for being the next Chase Hawk! And for ripping the pool ofcourse
Waalhalla is going to try to open another day for bmxers next to Wednesday and Thursday.
I want to thank everyone that showed up, Paul’s Boutigue for the goodiebags and for showing up, Waalhalla skatepark, Gemeente Nijmegen and Quynten and Rolf for filming. Hope to see the edits soon!
See you guys next year!