On the 12 hour drive back from FISE I managed to write some reports about the flatland event, the mini ramp comp, dirt contest, the FISE parties and even a RAD/LAME list. I hadn't touched the park discipline yet as I didn't know where to start. With
Bruno Hoffmann in the van I typed up some questions for him to see how he experienced this year's FISE so let's start off with that first.
Hey Bruno, congrats on your 4th place at the FISE, are you happy with the result? Bruno: Yes, definitely. Can’t get really any better.
What did you think of this year’s park course? Did it suit your riding style?
Bruno: I liked this year’s park more than last years. Mostly because there were more banks and rails setups.
How do you get to be so consistent on the tricks you do?
Bruno: I don’t really know. It’s not that I pull everything I just do the tricks I would be doing anyway, just that it is a contest.
There was a big crowd again in France. Does it get you nervous, or do you get pumped when they start cheering?
Bruno: Before the actual run I always get kinda nervous, especially at this place with the crazy big crowd. But then, when I start riding it doesn’t really feel like pressure and I don’t really hear them, just riding. It’s pretty crazy if the crowd starts cheering at you after your run, it’s cool.
Did you watch the other riders in the finals? Who impressed you the most?
Bruno: Pretty much everyone, but
Dan Norvell did some amazing stuff. He’s always smiling and totally going for it
What was one of the tricks/moves that you liked a lot?
Bruno: Loads of new jump box tricks went down, so that was pretty crazy. Like the body varial. It’s definitely not my “style” but still awesome to watch.
The FISE is one of the bigger contests in Europe now. How many times have you been to the comp?
Bruno: It’s already been the 4th year now. It’s always good, the weather is good most times, the crowd goes crazy and there are loads of riders so it’s always a safe date to see a lot of friends.
What’s the best part about going to a big event like the FISE?
Bruno: The weather, the people (mostly), the parties.
What projects are you working on at the moment? What’s on your schedule?
Bruno: I just finished filming for the WTP DVD, I probably won’t have such a long part because I broke my hand before a filming trip. I’m also filming for a Vans edit which should drop soon. Besides that I have to go back to school now, get some tests done for a few more weeks and then off to holidays. Sweeeet!

By now you have seen loads of Park videos from the FISE already and noticed that everyone was riding so well. There were around 100 Pro entries for Park which is a sign that this competition is on everyone's radar. The layout of the shaky ramps is always a bit different and it's actually partly built on water. This year the organisation was strict on allowing people on the course during the main event which was bad if you couldn't make it, but great for the riders that they did not have to deal with people sitting on the course or standing in their way. You could even read the sponsor signs during the finals too.

You have noticed that everyone had stepped it up for the event. The "Cashroll" was shown for the first time on European soil by
Daniel Dhers.
Alessandro Barbero unleashed the Italian Job, and did triples bro, it's hard.
JB Peytavit did bikeflip transfers and opposite double whips to name just a few of his amazing tricks. The guy's got skills. 3-triple whip? That one was for
Michael Beran. Dan Norvell did his signature framestand backies for the French crowd as well as nacnac flairs.
Maddog went for a 1080 and came close. Mark Webb pulled a decade to 360 over the box which helped him win the comp last year.

His frontflip flair on the quarterpipe didn't work out well (yet!) but he pulled his barspin manual to whip in first go.
Jason Phelan's double whip transfer was sick.
Diogo Canina does some of the best 3-tables and did the highest air on the quarterpipe in the far corner.
Gary Young, what can you say? He finds lines that noone else does and keeps his throttle open at all times. Amazing to watch. Refreshing was also
Bruno Hoffman's riding who did not touch the jump box once in the jam-style finals. How can you get 4th then you ask? Well, picture perfect 7

20s on quarters, 540s over a bank to bank box, a 540 into a transitioned bank, a 360 drop over a rail, stuff like that.
Ben Wallace superman flipped.
Bjorn Mager double whipped flipped.
Maxime Charveron turndown flipped and did plenty more.
Chris Hughes got close to pulling a body varial.
Brian Hunt pulled a toothpick on the wall and
Ben Hennon did a no-hander to superman over the box.
Dead Cueson did a 720 barspin,
Ben Snowden was close on his frontie off the wedge and
Ondra Slez did 540 whips on the quarters.
Yes, the level was high, and anyone could have won it with any of their tricks. Pro Park Finals was last on the schedule at the FISE and is always a highlight. The crowd ate it up. We'll be back next year (first weekend of June 2011) for edition number 15.