Nass. Can you give a bit of history about the comp? When did it start and where has it been?
DJ: History? Errrr..... I've been going there for about 7 years now I think? It's down at Shepton Mallet (nr Glastonbury) & there was one year it was in Peterborough. It's changed a lot over the years especially this year. There's no more Vert which is a shame but I guess the Goliath lark takes its place. I used to enjoy the Vert demo's with Hoffman & them Japanese Inline Kids... I think this year was the best I've been to in terms of how the event was run, it seemed a lot more organised which was nice.
With the Backyard Jams gone, The Bike Show not happening like in the past, no more Urban Games, not sure if the King Of Concrete is still around, has NASS become the one and only BMX event in the UK?
DJ: No, there's still REAL BMX events that happen here in the UK dude, we aren't that low! There's Budget Jam happening in

September which is going to be amazing, theres the Murray Jam, Dorchester Jam was good, the all nighters at Rampworx. Of course theres no King Of Concrete anymore but there are a few small jams down at Southsea too. There aren't any BIG events like you listed which is a shame as these allow a larger platform for riders to showcase BUT at least there are still events by riders for riders!
The park course looked good this year. What was the overall impression from the riders?
DJ: The course was good for sure, the Scarfe crew work hard every year to make stuff that the riders will like but what people need to remember is that it also has to cater for skaters as well as bike riders so it's impossible to please everyone isn't it?

There's always mixed reviews on course pretty much everywhere but overall the riding speaks for itself doesn't it? If the course was bad then surely the riding would have been affected?
Did that Goliath set up impress the crowd at all?
DJ: Mmmmm.... Goliath... I think it would have been a lot better had it not been as windy. The wind was bad & that affected the riders.
Who made it over this year that stood out?
DJ: Kelly Bolton was awesome, those HUGE flip transfers & his goliath stuff was amazing. Josh Perry after the year he's had impressed the hell out of me, 7-whip? Double whip drop in etc... I've been speaking to Josh via email for over 3 years so it was good to finally meet him.

But also there was some outstanding home grown talent that really shone over the weekend, Matt Burton for me was ace, check the videos to see this kid. So much style with some great tricks I thought he was very good, Ollie Palmer too is another who blasted all over the NASS course to raors of approval from the crowd. Really good riders.
Was everyone camping out in the field?
DJ: Well, this year we had athlete camping which was completely seperate from the rest of the "festival goers" so yeah we camped but at least we could chill. I'm not a fan of camping & was completely unprepared!
Highlight of the weekend?
DJ: Mmmmmm...... Hennon. Great story behind his qualifying run which I can't really repeat on here as it involves the police etc but he came steaming in the arena a few minutes before his run clearly angry with the law & stomped his run big time which had him qualify in 1st! Love watching Hennon ride.
If people want to check it out next year, what should they bring?
DJ: Good call. Camping gear of course, personal hygiene equipment (which many people don't bring!) & plenty of money for the over priced food stalls which WILL rob you blind but you have no choice as you are now not allowed to BBQ your own food! Boooooo!
-DJ. All pics by Adam Frame.