of traffic jams, giving us no delay getting there in time. Once the Press from Holland crew got their media passes and a free DVD copy of Birth of Big air (Yes please), we head out to the course...We immediately run into the Gary de Jong (Young), Chase Hawk and Diogo Canina...(the Vans team was well represented at this event) warming up for their runs.
I really don't think I need to get into how fast and original Gary Young rides, how high Chase Hawk goes or how technical Daniel Dhers was riding... Cory Bohan was riding as stylish as ever and Diogo opposite flairs were appropriately done at full speed, like everything else he does.
It was exciting to see the 15 year old Brett Banasiewicz just wrecking that park, that kid has some serious threatening talent, keep an eye out for him. I think Scotty Cranmer's flair attempts over the Visor/Rainbow obstacle set him back a little and unfortunally Chase Hawk ended up crashing pretty hard, which forced him to stop riding.
Gary Young who qualified 1st in the prelims ended up getting nice 3rd place in the finals, despite a crash really fucked with his knee. He took a breather and still rode faster then lightening, even attempted to over double peg grind the Visor. Then his apprentice from SD, Dennis Enarson. That kid is only 19, but looks and rides like a real man...always a pleasure to watch him ride. Big stuff all the way through ever corner of the park gave Dennis well deserved 2nd place.
Daniel Dhers is a machine. Ever since he has come onto the scene, he has the drive and motivation to win whatever comes in his way. How a guy that skinny is able to do a trick on everything (And I mean everything) he hits, still amazes me. It's like Playstation on speed. He didn't make the podium last year, but was not going to let that happen this year. Numero Uno for the Venezualian.
It was a good day in L.A., but I'll watching the Big Air finals on TV instead.
- MdW
Words and pics by Michael de Wit.