Breakfast at the hotel was until 10:30am so at 10:25 we all met downstairs for some food. The plan was to ride the new concrete park at Het Malieveld and the Scheveningen pool after that. While we were in the The Hague area we also checked out the A4 trials and found out that they were wet. When we arrived at the new spot at Het Malieveld, it started pouring. Damn. With no other dry spots around, the trip continued to the North. The skatemaps that the TM's had printed out showed this concrete spot under a bridge that looked pretty amazing. When we arrived in Zaandam it wasn't a disappointment.

The bowl especially was super good and had several lines. Besides the pool the spot had 4 quarters to wall on the bridge's pillars and several concrete bumps, flat banks and quarters. We were lucky that it was dry at this time of the day because when it rains, the water comes down straight in the middle of the bridge which causes the place to be not rideable. For a Saturday afternoon the place was pretty quite which is always good. In no time the BMX-ers took over but I have to add that we did not encounter any Skate-BMX rivalry anywhere on the trip. "Can't we all get along?" Yes we can! The place is open 24/h day and is free. It's even lit at night. How good is that? Definitely worth a trip.

Here's some riding highlights:
-Ben Manuel: 360 over the volcano
-Markus Braumann: tailwhips and high boosts over the hip
-Hannu Cools: Close to the roof on his wallrides on the pillars
-Stefan Lantschner: Tailwhips in the bowl and insane inverts
-Sig Cools: Different lines than anyone. Airs both ways. Pool shark.
-Bruno Hoffman: Big turndowns on the street course
-Benny Paulsen: Damn rad lookbacks in the bowl.

The session ended before everyone was done with the bowl but we had another place to ride that day. More on that spot tomorrow.