Deluxe, Vans, Pro-Tec, Paul's Boutique and FATBMX.
The kids either had a beach ball, a new wallet, a keychain or one of the bigger goodies such as a new helmet, hoody, handlebars, hat, grips, T-shirts, or a checkered Vans tie. All they needed to do was a certain jump, or answer a question. Only at the FAT JAM.Loads of people had come over despite the rainy conditions when they left their house. The weather is always nice in Aarle-Rixtel during the FATJAM and this time it stayed dry (mostly) while the rest of Holland was pretty wet. A few EZ-UP tents kept the BBQ, the PA system and a few die hard FATJAM fans dry when we ordered that little rain for the trails to get rid of the dust.
The 8.6 race kicked off with the Fanta race (-16 years old). A little parcours was made for the kids to ride and the fastest time was set by Koen Nouwen who will have to enter the 8.6 race next time. With the flatland area being wet, Matthias Dandois said he could ride in the street. But he did not want to ride by himself. Soon a few other riders stepped in and joined the jam circle. Colin and Philip did their moves and Nicky van der Veen stepped it up and threw down a few street moves. One of them was a 360 tailwhip bunny hop to manual to barspin. Sick.
Matthias Dandois was ripping on the bumpy street but he was not the only one. Peter "The Bike Devil" Geys showed that he has done a show or two. The 39-year old Belgian made some fans in Aarle-Rixtel. Hand stands, barrides and hang-nothings got the crowd cheering and motivated Matthias to spin harder and faster. The jam circle was brilliant. First time at the FATJAM and let's keep it going for next year. It was too good.
While taking a piss I heard everyone scream. What happened? Mark Vos had done it already, and I missed it. The goal was to have someone grind the top of a field goal. Instead of the large ramp, Mark chose the little one and did a 50/50 on the top of the goal first try. Done! He wasn't going to do another one as it was a sketchy set up, but for the heck of it he did one more. This time an awesome icepick grind that will go in the history books of the FATJAM. So sick.
We called it a day at this point as the evening program (drinking!) was on the schedule. Some had started early already so after cleaning up it was time for OJA. It sounded like everyone had a good time at the SugarHills location. Monster Energy went through 120 burgers in no-time and the kids loved the Vans waffles as there was a line at their booth all the time. Thanks to everyone for their support. See you next year for FAT JAM number 24.