Köln, 27. Juli 2006 Suzuki BMXMasters 2006: 440 international top riders from 30 nations as well as 12,000 spectators joined a relaxed and all around successful event under blistering heat in the Cologne youthpark from July 21 to 23. Once again the Braun cruZer Tour held a stop in Cologne with the amazing Braun Spine Ramp - the world’s largest mobile mini-ramp … One of the absolute highlights was the final in the category Miniramp Pro, which was held on the Braun Spine ramp. The competing riders gave the public what they wanted to see – BMX riding on the highest level. After several try’s
Phil Aller pulled a fufanu on the backrail of the platform.
Mark Webb – winner of the Braun cruZer Tour 2005 – took the first place with incredible runs and tricks such as double tailwhip tiretab or x-up flair and impressed the spectators as well as the judges. The crowd was loud and off the hook.
Braun cruZer Tour Spine Ranking: Webb, Mark (Eng) 1000
Wallace, Ben (Eng) 990
Osato, Dave (Can) 980

Doyle, Chris (USA) 970
Aller, Phil (Eng) 960
Watkinson, Tony (Eng) 950
Garcia, Hector (Mexico) 940
Ryan Elcock (Eng) 930
Cools, Hannu (Bel) 920
König, Mark (Ger) 910
Miller, Mike (Eng) 900
Jones, Brendan (Aus) 890
Beran, Michael (Cze) 880
Hardy, Cameron (Eng) 870
Crisman, Bruce (USA) 860
Ruiz, Juan (Spa) 850
Mendoza, Ismail (Spa) 840
Mehdi, Jirari (Fra) 830
Further dates of the Braun cruzer Tour are:
-NASS, BMX, 29-30 July, Birmingham (UK)
-Rip Curl Boardmasters, Surf Festival, 4-6 Aug, Newquay (UK)
Each event will offer a prize-money of 5.000 EUR. The total ranking over the three events will offer a total prize-money of 15.000 EUR.
Registration with spielbetrieb for BMX Masters and Rip Curl Boardmasters (
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). With NASS for NASS.
In addition to the contests, the Braun cruZer Tour Demo team will ride a show at Leeds Festival, Music Festival, 24-27 Aug, Leeds (UK) The Braun cruZer Tour travelled already in June to two of the largest European rock festivals to held Demo shows: Heineken Jammin Festival in Imola, Italy, and the Eurockéennes de Belfort, France. The guys did what they do best: In Imola
Mark Webb, Chris Mahoney, Ben Wallace, Barry Kohne and
Matt Macleod who rode the worldwilde largest ramp for the first time and at Eurockéenes
Cameron Hardy, Craig Stevens, Anthony Pearson and
Phil Aller flairs showed double tailwhip tiretaps, 360 nohander, tailwhips to manual on the subbox, backflips to fufanu, superman tailwhips and tailwhips over the spine to fakie and more crazy stuff...
Photos provided by Braun/©AlexSchelbert.de/zooom.at