Normally on a contest report you go down everyone's line and then add everything up. With three winners for dirt, three second places and three third places, we'll have to go in from a different angle. Let's start with style. With
Sergio Layos not present this year,
the Forte family was in luck. Earlier in the day we were joking how cool it would be for the three brothers to finish 1 - 2 - 3 in the Style contest and it turned out that way.
Toby might be leading the FATBMX poll for the most stylish lookback but current Dirt World Champ
Kye Forte grabbed the biggest check. Little brother
Leo got 2nd and middle bro Toby got 500 Euros. Congrats. You either have style, or you don't. Finishing last in the style category hurts. Unlucky number 31 was Damien Banko from Australia. Sorry dude.

The trails had different lines. Most used the straight 8-pack but some mixed it up with a run on the right or even transfers between lines. Creative points were also given for mixed variations. Doing 360-s over each set would score less than a fronty, a whip of some sort, a 360 and a backflip. It's just tough to give three scores for every rider for every run with at least 4 jumps in it. Oh well,
Gary Young was creative as he transferred with 360-s on the lines on the right. Guettler used both lines and went fronty-backy-double whippy-to-three-whippy or something for 2nd.
Toby Forte "stole
Hans Friedrich's lines" for third. It got rough when
Benny Paulsen had 4 guys following him on each run doing a train. I thought that was very creative but non of his crew made the top 10.

Hard tricks: Phew, with the talent around it was hard to keep track of what was being done.
JB from France has got double whips down but there were more riders who had that trick.
Colin MacKay stepped it up by doing a 720 with a turn down in the middle. That was hella sweet.
Alejandro Caro rode amazing and was stoked on his own runs at times. The Barrel roll he attempted almost killed 6 photographers and their flashes. He landed next to the landing on the right side. He learnt the trick earlier in the week in France and showed the video tape that he has them down. But not in Berlin. Caro did 720-s as well and was the only rider to do a decade jump to x-up.
Bommel had fronties and backies down but also flip whipped the last set. Okay, the landing wasn't any good to score style points but he rolled out of that sucker. No-handed 360-s were pulled by
Patrick Guimez, BB and
Colin MacKay did sweet ones too.
Guettler got the tailwhip to indian seat grab jump out of the system and pulled it clean. He also did X-up to turndown 360-s and a 360 double whip.
Gary Young did a 3-whip which I'd never seen him do. The 360-tabletop looked more like it for a Dirtbro.
Kye Forte did opposite 360-s with variations and pulled a 3-whip clean. He not only has style, he's got the tricks too. See who finished where in the results list.

Phew, I'm glad I got this done. Time for some sleep.
Pro Dirt Style Award 1. Forte Kye 24 UK 1.000,00 €
2. Forte Leo 20 UK 800,00 €
3. Forte Toby 22 UK 500,00 €
4. Cools Sig 21 Belgium 50,00 €
5. Yates Mitch 21 UK 50,00 €
6. Young Gary 23 USA 50,00 €
7. Mackay Colin 27 Australia 50,00 €
8. Cools Hannu 25 Belgium 50,00 €
9. Cernotta Michael 19 Australia 50,00 €
10. Miller Mike 18 UK 62 50,00 €
11. Volker Germany

12. Guettler Ryan 23 Australia
13. Friedrich Hans 25 Germany
14. Paulsen Benny 24 Germany
15. Bibi France
16. Heyer Björn 23 Germany
17. Beadley Tyrone 25 South Africa
18. Schuler Jan 21 Germany
19. Mager Björn 21 Germany
20. Hamlin Tony 20 UK
Pro Dirt Creative Award 1. Young Gary 23 USA 1.000,00 €
2. Guettler Ryan 23 Australia 800,00 €
3. Forte Toby 22 UK 500,00 €
4. Caro Alejandro 27 Columbia 50,00 €
5. Mackay Colin 27 Australia 50,00 €
6. Cools Hannu 25 Belgium 50,00 €
7. Köhler Christian 26 Germany 50,00 €
8. Forte Kye 24 UK 50,00 €

9. Bibi France 50,00 €
10. Mager Björn 21 Germany 50,00 €
11. Cools Sig 21 Belgium
12. Paulsen Benny 24 Germany
13. Friedrich Hans 25 Germany
14. Schuler Jan 21 Germany
15. Heyer Björn 23 Germany
16. Adam Rafael 23 Germany
17. Herbolzheimer Max 22 Germany
18. Yates Mitch 21 UK
19. Guimez Patrick 26 France
20. Beadley Tyrone 25 South Africa
Pro Dirt Hard Trick Award 1. Caro Alejandro 27 Columbia 1.000,00 €
2. Forte Kye 24 UK 800,00 €
3. Mackay Colin 27 Australia 500,00 €

4. Guettler Ryan 23 Australia 50,00 €
5. Young Gary 23 USA 50,00 €
6. Bibi France 50,00 €
7. Mager Björn 21 Germany 50,00 €
8. Shenker Ben 27 Hungary 50,00 €
9. Forte Leo 20 UK 50,00 €
10. Guimez Patrick 26 France 50,00 € tie break winner
11. Beadley Tyrone 25 South Africa
12. Köhler Christian 26 Germany
13. Cernotta Michael 19 Australia
14. Forte Toby 22 UK
15. Hearne Dean 27 UK
16. Cools Sig 21 Belgium
17. Cools Hannu 25 Belgium
18. Peytavit Jean-Boptirte
19. Banko Damien 27 Australia
20. Yates Mitch 21 UK