Sergey Geyer had to use Monkey's bike for his runs as he got a rear wheel problem right before the contest started. He amazingly adapted to the Felt and pulled a lot of his tech shit especially in his second run.

Alessandro Barbero packed up his Fiat and drove up from Italy to whip every ramp on the course. Alessandro is a good contest rider and pulls the tricks he wants to do and that includes double whips over the box, tailwhip tailtaps and 3-whips over the spine. No, he didn't drive up, he flew.

Tom Haugen always nails his tricks. His second run was flawless and he's got some hard moves too: double whip the box, tailwhip 180 over the spine, tailwhip tailtaps and 360-x-ups over the box together with a number of nibblers on all the other ramps on the course got him 4th in Berlin. Tom's list of tricks is an indication on how good the riding was at the "Streetlife" festival.

With only half a point difference from McCann, Tobias Wicke and Dave Dillewaard tied for first. After the tie-breaker Dilly took the win over Tobi's frontflip, no-handed backflip, double tailwhip, tech trick run. Dillewaard is simply a very solid rider who is enjoyable to watch. He puts more tricks in his runs than anyone else and uses the complete course. He even grinded down the handrail, did opposite 360 transfers and ice-picked the sub rail. Tricks that not everyone else did. Dave was ready to ride on Sunday but wasn't complaining that the Saturday results were taken as the final score. Party on.

Results Park LG Action Sports World Tour, Berlin, Germany:
1 Dave Dillewaard Brisbane, Australia 22, 90.75
2 Tobias Wicke Falkensee, Germany 24, 90.75
3 Steven McCann Melbourne, Australia 23, 90.25
4 Tom Haugen Minneapolis, MN 30, 89.00
5 Bjorn Mager Berlin, Germany 21, 87.50
6 Alessandro Barbero Ceva, Italy 23, 87.25
7 Koji Kraft Addison, IL 23, 85.25
8 Markus Wilke Hamburg, Germany 31, 84.50
9 Sergey Geyer Delmenhorst, Germany 21, 82.50
10 Sven "Sprosse" Lehmann Berlin, Germany 18, 81.50
11 Brendan Jones Monley, Australia 23, 81.25
12 Patrick Steckelmann Brandenburg, Germany 18, 77.25
2 Tobias Wicke Falkensee, Germany 24, 90.75
3 Steven McCann Melbourne, Australia 23, 90.25
4 Tom Haugen Minneapolis, MN 30, 89.00
5 Bjorn Mager Berlin, Germany 21, 87.50
6 Alessandro Barbero Ceva, Italy 23, 87.25
7 Koji Kraft Addison, IL 23, 85.25
8 Markus Wilke Hamburg, Germany 31, 84.50
9 Sergey Geyer Delmenhorst, Germany 21, 82.50
10 Sven "Sprosse" Lehmann Berlin, Germany 18, 81.50
11 Brendan Jones Monley, Australia 23, 81.25
12 Patrick Steckelmann Brandenburg, Germany 18, 77.25