Last weekend local San Franciscan rider's Qualey and Koit put together another Hell on Wheels jam in the city. The lack of the usual 2-Hip Meet the Street comps have left the street dawgs fiending for more. All the riders met in a park downtown and we were all given maps marking out the spots to hit. Judges would be present at each spot and competitors wore paper dinner plates with numbers on them.

I cannot say for sure what went down because I ended up randomly at certain spots and everyone split up. Total chaos. Throughout the day I must have riden with at least 6 different groups of people to different spots. It was pretty challenging to get some photos because we would have to end up moving along as cops or security guards chased us off.

To illustrate the two polar opposites of security guards found in the city and the common association one would have with their respective territory :
-At a plaza the guard said he would love to watch us all day but could we please move along.
-At a childrens park the security guard there yelled at us to
"fuck off I will call the cops" in front of the kids.

The city library across from the town hall was one of the first spots we found with not much to ride unless you wanted to bunnyhop over passed out bums. This place seemed to be the central gathering point for every lunatic in the city with one old lady walking into the library yelling " you are all going to hell ! ". Well at least the fun part was getting there lady.

In between each spot bikes filled the streets of the city going through red lights and traffic. It was hard to keep up and even harder not to crap your pants everytime you stopped cars and trams in a busy six way intersection. Sadly the famous China banks were closed down with gates and remained so even after the security guard was offered to be bribed with $25.

The last spot hit up was called the Hubba ledges. Just across the way from where everyone was riding were the famous parrots from Telegraph hill making a lot of noise and being fed by passers by. A few of our brothers from the skating world joined in sessioning the spot as well which added up to even more fun. Before that I ended up at a pretty good tree ride next to the tourist filled Pier 38.

Afterwards the organizers threw a huge barbeque in a park across from the Hubba ledges and prizes were handed out after the judges tallied everyone's scores. I have no idea what the final results were but the whole day registered as a 9.5 on the Cru Jones meter.
Lloyd Ramsay