Heading out to Brazil, I thought that it was going to be a breeze. Not realizing how tough it would be to get there, this is how it started. I was supposed to fly out to Sao Paulo on Wednesday, but had some visa issues. Therefore I had to fly out the following day. On my lay over, I had my boarding pass ready to go, when the unthinkable happened... I was pulled out for more visa issues! Once again, I had to miss the plane and was told that if I didn't get a visa overnight that I would not make the contest. But to me the impossible some way some how, with the help of
Leslie and
Jimbo (thanks a lot), I made the impossible possible and was on my way to San Paulo.

But still hoping that the luck would be on my side, I was wrong. I arrived in San Paulo, to find that my bike was back in Vegas with no way of it arriving in time.
When I arrived at the event, it had this unbelievable view where the event was happening. Right next to the beach with unreal scenery. When coming to a different country, you learn different cultures and lifestyles. Looking at the riders and the level of riding was mind blowing. The set up of the contest was on the smaller scale compared to the U.S., but the craziness did not hold back the capability of winning the X-games riding. With the rider,
Edmar Melo doing perfect double back flips (which it was the first time done in South America) and lots more. Let alone, with every big trick done just like in the U.S. Making it their biggest dirt contest in Brazil.

I would not trade this trip for nothing and cannot wait for next year's contest already! Even though I didn't have my bike and did not know anybody personally, I made some great new friends and gained appreciation for how hard other people have it. Even with those tough obstacles in their way, their love for BMX is stronger than anything.
Thanks a lot to Marcelo, G-Unit & Fam at Dream Bikes, Paulo Charaba for making the event possible and flow so smoothly , every rider who shredded the course, and the people and riders of Brazil for showing me a different lifestyle and what a great big family BMX is!
Ricardo Laguna