The second Münster jam went down the last weekend of January. It was the next real big event after the Simpel Session. A lot of people had been really exicted about the upcoming event. And you could feel a real good vibe during the jam. Jochen and
Roland really took it serious to organize a rider friendly jam. A bottle of Isotonic Water and a Banana were handed out to every rider, and after the hard Battles on the track a big pasta dinner went down. Props for the food, boys.

I already mentioned that a lot of riders from all over Germany showed up, but a crew from 6 guys around
Kamil Feifer took a 10 hour trip in a Van from Prague to Münster.
Small contests were part of the jam. Everybody loves best tricks and so beside a mini comp, bunny hop high jump and the classical best rail were on the timetable. Mini A was a showdown between almost every German tech styler and miniramp weazles.
Björn Mager aka. Bommel and
Sergej Geier really kicked the shit with crazy cross footed liptricks. The Bunnyhop Contest was dominated by
Manual Mike, some
Dude fom Around Bielefeld, he beat Xgames second and full time pro player
Markus Wilke with 108cm, that makes a 42.5 inch for all you english guys.

After that the pastafest went down and everyone enjoyed it, what else can you ask for than for free food on a jam? Holla! Right after the dinner the orga crew settled the best rail contest. The last years comp on the rail had already been a blast and everyone was exicted to see what would go down this year. Last years Winner
Dennis Kicza threw a clean Railride and several feebles on both sides down the rail.
Willy Wilke hopped over to peggrind. Some dude from Praque with one of the most unique frame designs did a peg grind up to hop over at the top. Khe´s new young gun
Pierre Hinze pulled a crank arm slide first try.
Bommel did the craziest and hardest shit ever. Railride to bars and Railride to Whip, from the straight part of the rail into the bank really blew my mind.

But on this comp, the audience was allowed to choose the winner and
Dennis managed to bring the loudest fans to the park. So he took another best rail title home to Ruhrpott. The Best trick on a Skatepark ramp happened on that crazy spine Construction and
Bommel was the man to beat. He fired off a clean tailwhip to 360 Tailtap to Tailwhip and a wild and high Flipwhip. The Highest Air on that thing went to
Sprosse from Berlin. The Skater Palace has never seen an Air this high before, trust me.
Alex Reinke gave a Bottle of Jackie to the High Air Master, but unfortnatly he is not yet 18. So
Sergej Geier, who aired just a little lower than Sprosse, took care of Jack. The After party was right next to the Skaterpark. The Dj just gave away free Jägrmeister and Wodka Orange Drinks for 1 euro.
Jochen Showed up with some boxes of free beer and the party turned into a wild Limbo dance Battle.

Everybody partied their asses off. The next morning the dude who ran the Park that night told us that all tables at the Club had been destroyed, but I can´t remember any table at this etablissment.
So I don´t even think that anything happend.
Thanks to Jochen and Roland for this great Jam Weekend. It was a Blast.
Kay Beutling
Pics by: Martin XMX Ohliger
“We would like to thank all our Sponsors (Carhartt , Sport Import, G&S BMX, Parano Garage, U-Travel, Eastern Bikes, Peoples Store, Unity Distribution, Split Clothing, Duffs Shoes, Woozy) for everything and making it possible. And for sure we would like to they thanks to the Skaters-Palace and all of the people how showed up."
Jochen & Roland.