The intention was to make a quick upload right after the finals of the 2007 Elevation contest but the party mood took over and it never happened. We will give you a rider by rider rundown in a little bit but until then we've got some photos of the finalists for you and the results. It was an amazing contest (and an amazing party).
James Foster won the Best Trick contest with a truckdriver to downside tailwhip. Yup, he also pulled a triple whip in the best trick contest but he also did that trick 2 years ago. Anyway, we'll get back to you at a later stage. For now, enjoy the pics of the finalists and check the results.

Results Red Bull Elevation 2007: 1. Ryan Nyquist 92.1
2. Corey Bohan 92.0
3. Brian Foster 87.4
4. James Foster 87.2
5. Chris Doyle 86.9
6. TJ Ellis 86.6
7. Allan Cooke 86.0
8. Dane Searls 85.7
9. Gary Young 85.7
10. Dave Dillewaard 83.6
11. Mike “Hucker” Clark 83.1
12. Adam Baker 81.6