The second annual Canadian Concrete series kicked off at the infamous Kirkstone park in North Vancouver. Entries topped last year by a huge number of riders, and the level of riding was absolutely insane. Pro riders Travis Sexsmith and Jason Teet were the show stoppers with 12 foot airs and incredible flips (where they shouldn’t be done). The am class gets better and better, with 13 year olds pulling smooth lines that riders twice their age and experience had trouble comprehending. Masters class? 39 year old
Ron Mercer showed that the older riders still have it, but veteran ramp rider,
Mel Gooder, completely killed it, with 8 foot high lookbacks and front wheel lip tricks.
Next stop is the world famous Coquitlam park on August 5th, where some of the most amazing riding has gone down and footage has been filmed (
Osato’s infamous whip to manual to whip back in for example). The riding will be insane, and as always, the good vibes will be flowing.
Pro winners were: Jason Teet (huge backflip and he aired over the back fence)
and roode (off of the mellow wedge onto the soccer field)
Travis Sexsmith (giant airs and giant 540)
Open am winners (top 5): Randy Moffat (barspin over the fence)
Luis Almazan
Dylan Gorere
Jeff Fehr Andrey (only 13 years old!)
Masters class Mel Gooder (first contest win since 92, huge airs)
Ron Mercer Nigel Quarless the yeti
13 and under Lucas Pelletier (6 years old...killed it)
Brendan (9 years old)
Adam (13 years old)
Check for updated info!