If you weren't at the jam you missed out! This was seriously one of the best jams to date. Especially when you consider the registered turnout of 46 riders when hardly any of these riders even ride dirt. There was also the full mix of entertainment, from riding, semi-naked girls, a naked guy, good music and fire, to the inflammable, car and wrist wrecking paramedic Moo-Poo.
The whole idea behind the jams is in creating fun events for kids. That's why we only had a beginner and am class.
Beginners: The beginner line was a basic yet fun 4 pack setup and we had 30 entries fighting it out for the product prizes on offer from Odyssey, Fly and DK. This class definitely had the hardest slams. (Ever seen a mid air scorpion? yeah, cringe!) But at the end of the day only 5 riders qualified for the finals and this is how they did:
1st - Steven Hodgson
2nd - Hendri Breedt
3rd - Emile Paulsen
4th - Shaun Van Appel
5th - Kondstandt de La Porte
Am's: The Am contest was held over the main line. There were 16 riders entered and the riding level was a significant jump from the beginners. Once again the pack was cut down to 5 riders in the final. These guys really put in all they had as they battled for the R3000 in Riot vouchers and could have easily held it together in a Pro class.
Their results:
1st Kyle Kiewet

2nd Ronald Stander
3rd Justin Lopes
4th Duncan Fox
5th Storm Guiranovitch
Blunt Bonus Tricks: SA's allround best youth mag, Blunt made it to the Jam armed with a stash of 100 R10 notes. The Huckfest was anounced and riders that hucked a trick got a note. The bigger the trick the more notes. This is where things started get loose.
Thanks to all that came out, you made the event the success it was.
The Riot crew