That’s what Mark Burnett, Sunday’s newest pro, said when I told him I need to write something announcing his newfound status on the pro team. Of course Mark was kidding, but I still take exception. He may love his sketchy teenager image, but Mark is an awesome kid with a good head on his shoulders. While he does often have a lot in common with the piece of shit 16-year-old he speaks of, I find him to be a surprisingly mature and reasonable young man. When he wants to be.
But seriously, it is with great excitement that we announce Mark Burnett is now a member of the Sunday pro team. There’s no question Mark is a pro-level rider, and I’m sure you’ll all agree he 100% deserves it. The kid knows what he’s doing on a bike, and I really feel he hasn’t even come into his own yet. Sunday turns 10 years old in 2015; we’ve got some exciting stuff planned this year, and we’re stoked Mark is on board.
–Walter Pieringer