The REMAX Fieldcontrol just ended and it was 3 days of pure riding and fun. On Friday we had a riding sesion till 00.00, and the folowing days it was time for the contest. Both days were very good on riding quality and atmosphere, thanks to the riders that give there maxium and the audience that showed up.
The party at Saturday night was crazy, you should check the photos, but beside that you can see a lot of krazy stuff happened.

We would like to say thanks to all the people who helped on the contest, riders and sponsors, because without your help it wouldn't be possible to put up a contest like this. THANKS TO ALL OF YOU.
STUNT MAN RESULTS: 1º- Matthias Dandois (France)
2º- Jesse Puente (USA)
3º- Frank Lukas (Germany)
4º- Raphaël Chiquet (France)

5º- Alexis Desolneux (France)
STUNT BOY RESULTS: 1º- Bento Galado (Portugal)
2º- Vojtech Drda (Czech Republic)
3º- Wilson Benavides (Colombia)
4º- Manuel Zamudio (Spain)
5º- João Duarte (Portugal)