After the enormous success of the first stop of the Red Bull Backyard Digger in Leende, the Red Bull Diggers and crew traveled all the way up north to Groningen. With the pleasant Sunday afternoon sun beaming down, the most northern trails of Holland were well on their way to become an often-frequented spot! When approaching the huge indoor iceskating rink Kardinge, a gigantic artificial mountain rises up from behind. This mountain was once supposed to become an artificial ski course, but these plans have been changed drastically. Right now, a four cross mountainbike course is occupying the mountain, with a downhill course right next to it. Recently, they added a dirt course to it. Stichting Bikepark Groningen brought this to the attention of Red Bull, who decided it would be the perfect location to host the second stop of the Red Bull Backyard Digger.

Even though the conditions were tough, due to the unfortunate weather the week before the event, everyone was motivated to make the best of the course. Useless to point out, Stichting Bikepark Groningen were on it every day, from sunrise to sunset. Also great to see the ladies Sterre, Sophie and Shelly in full effect and not afraid to get their hands dirty.
Mark Vos, mister nice guy and hero in general, was getting down and dirty in the mud as well (photo!). Not to be forgotten:
Patrick Guimez, in charge of the design of the course, hardly left his Digger and literally moves mountains.

Keeping in mind the tough conditions of the course, the show that Patrick Guimez, Mark Vos and 2 mountainbike riders put on was well off the hook. With Mischa FSO on the mic and DJ Dirk diggler in charge of the music, it became a laid back afternoon in the sun above all. Of course, the local police came to check things out and threatened to shut down the soundsystem,
Mischa FSO was right on it and spontaneously introduced a new way of supporting the riders: ‘silent cheering’. With toned down volume, Mischa announced the riders and pushed the crowd to cheer ‘silently’. DJ Dirk Diggler jumped right on it and put on a lullaby.

This soon changed to the Dutch house hit ‘Shenkie’, on which Mischa FSO pumped the crowd to ‘silently go wild!’ The motorized policeman soon approved it and started his engine with a loud roar. As expected, Mischa had his response ready: ‘Mister, can you tune it down a bit?” Classic!

After a long day on the Digger and literally laying down a take off and double set within a matter of hours, Patrick Guimez still had to ride what he had just built. The friendly Frenchman pulled off a backflip and more good stuff, after which he was exhausted. The locals were delighted with the knowledge he brought to the course and layed down the lines. Silent force behind this big makeover was Martijn, who spent several days in the Digger and did an incredible job. When we left the scene, around 7 o'clock, Martijn and Nico, the PR guy of Stichting Bikepark Groningen, were still at it, giving the course a good beating. Respect!
With a little luck with the weather and with the professional supervision of Stichting Bikepark Groningen, this dirt course is a force to be reckoned with and definitely worth the trip up north!
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Txt: Hoite Polkamp | Foto’s: Rutger Pauw