Weil am Rhein/Germany, 26.-27.02.2005, Carhartt Skatepark
From Italy, Swiss, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Austria and of course Germany over 100 bmx riders made their way to Weil am Rhein to ride the infamous Carhartt Skatepark for the first time and to witness the premier of the Carhartt Ravage Tour 2004 DVD in the convention center, next to the skatepark.
Without exception and doubts every rider was truly impressed by the facility and the quality of the ramps. Some of them even said:
"The miniramp is the pure sex!!"

On Saturday there was plenty of time for everybody to get to know the park and its lines a bit, before the
miniramp comp started at about late
afternoon. The comp was held in a very laid back and mellow jam session.
After that everybody switched buildings into the convention center to watch the
Ravage Tour DVD premier and it was followed by 1-2 beers and another great bmx night session until 23.00 o´clock.

The doors were open on Sunday too, so everybody grabbed the chance to ride the park until 17.00.
Personally I want to thank every rider who came out and made that weekend full of fun and without any point of hectic or stress. On the other hand I would like to thank Carhartt in the name of all bmx riders for a massive and more than great weekend. Especially Thomas Duif deserves a big hug and maximum props, not only for his organizing skills, but more cause he spent a lot heart & soul in that weekend.

Hope we´ll see us the next time.
Ride on!
- Mike Emde
- Photo credits: Olaf Pignataro