The Interact park was another amazing place. The wooden bowl is everyone's dream. It had a T-shape with an elevation and an extra hip in the middle. It was hard to leave the bikes in the van with this set-up waiting. Next to the bowl was a complete street section with ledges, quarters, spine, big wallride, miniramp, jump box, flat banks, you name it. The place had a kitchen where they cooked warm meals, a chill room where you could watch videos, another big room to play games, foosball and pinball and outdoors they're working on a dirtjump area. So good.

The session started before 6pm (of course) and began with a flair session in the bowl.
Ryan Nyquist did his at 7 feet which had
Senad Grosic and
Anthony Pill so stoked that they had to go for it too. Senad came real close on a couple of attempts. He had to commit himself to it to give it another try. Pill only needed a few tries before he pulled his first one. Definitely stoked.
Stefan Geisler was checking out the street section and was busy doing 360-s over the box and tailwhip nosepicks plus toothpicks to barspins on the quarterpipe. Some smooth alley-oop nosewheelies too.
The three Ben's were having a good time in the park (how could you not have a good time at a place like this).
Hennon downside whipped everything in sight.
Ben Manuel transferred to the big wall and
Shenker fufanu-d both ways on everything.

Did I tell you that
Ryan was back on his own bike? It showed up the night before and Ryan just didn't stop riding. After spending hours in the bowl he moved over to the street section to ride some more. After that he went back to the bowl and rode more. After we ordered some local pizza and watched a Transition video, we left the place at 22:45hr and had a few hours to go to get down to Coventry where we arrived at the hotel at 01:30am. The next three days were spent at The Bike Show. What happened with the HARO crew there you can read [url=//fatbmx.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=410]here[/url], and [url=//fatbmx.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=398]here[/url], and [url=//fatbmx.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=391]here.[/url]
Thanks to the Interact crew for their great hospitality.