More than 70 riders showed up at the T-Mobile Local Support Street Challenge for an exciting ending of the Local Support contest-series 2008. The crowd in Emmering saw a stunning BMX show and, to top that off, “Destination Anywhere” rocked out with finest ska-punk. Pro and amateur riders from all over Germany and Austria competed in a head to head battle and finally here were following results:
Mark König’s and
Kevin Liehn’s team “D.t.D.i.K.” won a tie against the team “Wiesnabsturz”, made up of
Sergej Geier and
Michi Sieren, as a result of more points in the teamscoring.
Therefore D.t.D.i.K. received a prize in the amount of 4.000 € for their local spot, and team “Wiesnabsturz” won a 50-person BBQ at their personal spot. Third place was taken by
Sven „Sprosse“ Lehmann and
Tino Schnecke with their team “Rettet den Mellowpark”.
Another close fight took place at the amateur final, at which the team “Keule meets Baumelt “ rode an incredible run winning them 1st

place. The two young men from Coburg,
Sebastian Baumelt and
Eric Roehse will have their portrait in the German magazine “FreedomBMX”. The second placed riders
Konsti Klein and
Andi Wohnig from team “Regensburg 2 “ scored themselves a brand new safety gear setup from Pro-tec. Not far behind was team “Blau Bär”, made up of
Dennis Abertshauser and
Christian Kaiser, who will receive VIP tickets to the Street Session of the T-Mobile Extreme Playgrounds in Berlin.
Sebastian Baumelt won the single scoring of the amateurs, and with this received the T-Mobile Wildcard for the Extreme Playgrounds on the 29th and 30th November in Berlins Velodrom. There he can proof himself against top riders

such as
Morgan Wade and
Alessandro Barbero along with the best three riders from the Local Support Street Challenge
Sergej Geier, Mark König and
Michi Sieren. Result sheets and additional info about the T-Mobile Local Support Street Challenge:
Pics by David Ulrich