The skies were blue when the Dirt contest started. After a little rain in the morning the dust was gone and the jumps looked good. With three runs each and two that counted, Federal's Kye Forte came out on top after the scores were added. Check the full results here:
1 Kye Forte England
2 Corey Bohan Australia
3 Adam Baker USA
4 Sergio Layos Spain
5 Heath Pinter USA
6 Romuald BB Noirot France
7 Ryan Barret USA
8 Patrick Guimez France
9 Marcus Hampl Germany
10 Luke Fink Australia

11 Sasaki Taketoshi Japan
12 Wilson Gareth England
13 Panka David CZ
14 Forte Leo UK
15 Heyer Bjon Germany
16 Tisoni Alessandro Italy
17 Benes Libor CZ
18 Herbolzheimer Max Germany
19 Barbero Alessandro Italy
20 Vhanntolder Greg 0
21 Conry Viliam France
22 Caha Pavel CZ
23 Mlady Ondra CZ
24 Carrez Cedric France
25 Kompaore Laurent France