It was time to dust off the BMX bike for a session at the Sugar Hills because the Mini FATJAM was on the program. For a bunch of people it is that way. And that's fine. It shows that the Mini FATJAM is a reason to go ride again, together with those who think the same way. The jumps had been prepared for the same reason, because the Mini FATJAM was coming up. The jam gets people together and back on the bike and also this year we had support from Vans, Paul's Boutique, Haro Bikes so we could give out goodies to those who took the effort to come over to Aarle-Rixtel and put a few laps in. Also, for the first time in FATJAM history, we had Beckers as a sponsor of the event. They make the best Frikandellen (way better than Mora) and everyone present could get himself a