-Travel destination: Europe, Basil, Japan and all over America
-Riders to ride with: Kevin Jones
-Car: Nissan
-Movie: Peaceful Warrior
-Colour: Blue
-Shoes: Vans low tops
-Bike company: S&M, 2hip, Hoffman, Fit, Mirraco
-BMX contest: 1984 AFA Huntington Beach
-Bike shop: West Coast Cycles, New Jersey
-Music: Rock, Old School Rap, 80's
-Ramp rider: Brian Blyther
-Street rider: Dave Voelker
-Dirt rider: Ryan Nyquist
-Flatland rider: Kevin Jones
-Old school rider: Dennis McCoy
-Drink: Kombucha - fermented drink
-Trick: No handed time machine - Air over 540
-BMX Magazine: Ride
-BMX MC: Nick Jones - from the land down-under
-Video game: I don't play, It is not my thing
-BMX photographer: Spike Jonze
-Girl: Paula Lynam
-Party: Too many to list them all - My 44th birthday, my 30th, the big party we had after the x-games in SD, years ago, every party we had after the Haro shows to name a few.