-BMX video: Range of Motion and Nike 6.0 vid
-Website: FATBMX
-Web video: anything Mark Webb and Dennis Enarson
-Food: Pizza
-Travel destination: Still lookin for it
-Riders to ride with: Dave White, Erik Soto, Sam Townsely
-Car: I want an old Cadillac
-Movie: Heat
-Colour: Black
-Shoes: None
-Bike company: Volume Bikes
-BMX contest: any contest that I didn't choke at!
-Bike shop: East County Bmx, Best shop in San Diego
-Restaurant chain: Jack in the box!
-Clothing company: Dickies
-Phone: one that can last me over a year without dying!
-Music: metal
-Ramp rider: Gary Young
-Street rider: Brian Castillo
-Dirt rider: Sam Townsely
-Flatland rider: Richard Zabzdyr
-Old school rider: Jay Miron
-Drink: Beer
-Trick: Table top
-BMX Magazine: Ride bmx
-BMX MC: none
-Video game: none, I just watch my son play!
-BMX photographer: Brain Castillo/ Ryan Fugder
-Girl: ones that don't mess with your mind!
-Sport besides BMX: anything that my son gets into
-Party: the ones that I can remember the next day