Have you heard about tactics by either one of the teams already?
Marc: Nope, I don’t think they will be able to work out anything as they won’t know who’s in each team until the games begin. Some challenges will be judged by the crowd so a good tactic would be to have fun.
Will there be a fight at the end of the day between the two teams?
Marc: I hope so! Maybe if we put the $$$ in the middle of the park and they can fight over it, that’s entertaining right?

Who are supporting the event?
Marc: Chupa Chups, Forgotten bikes, Sunday and Colony.
Can people come check out the event?
Marc: Yeh it’s free and on during MOOMBA which is the city’s biggest festival right in the heart of Melbourne amongst a carnival, the actual comp will start at 4pm and run for about 2 hours.
Where: Riverslide/city skatepark Melbourne Vic Australia
When: Sat 4th March @ 4pm.
Why: For fun!
Who: Jake Seeley, Alex Hiam, Jed Mildon, Chris Finnigan, Zach Musarsa, Gary Young, Chris O'Donell, Levi Jackonia, Jase Bannan, Ryan Guettler, Cam Pianta, Renald McQueen, Alex Magallan, Zac Miner, Mick Bayzand, Jerry Vandervalk
What: N.O.R.E- what! what! What! What!