-Web video: Dean Cueson vital edit is pretty sick! Garrett Reynolds' Nike 6.0 and Dave Mirra sentenced to life
-Food: spagbol
-Riders to ride with: Jack Scurfield,
-Car: mk1 golf
-Movie: Pulp Fiction, Good the bad and the ugly
-Colour: green
-Shoes: DC
-Bike company: Deluxe bmx
-BMX contest: Dew tour, X games, World's
-Bike shop: Alan's
-Clothing company: weareLEVEL
-Phone: iphone/ blackberry
-Music: everything

-Ramp rider: Ryan Nyquist / Dave Mirra
-Street rider: Garrett Reynolds
-Dirt rider: Anthony Napolitan
-Old school rider: Matt Hoffman
-Drink: water
-Trick: 720
-BMX Magazine: Ride uk bmx
-Video game: cod!
-Sport besides BMX: motocross