-Car: Corvette
-Movie: The Hangover
-Colour: green
-Shoes: Nike
-Bike company: Alienation or Profile
-BMX contest: Jomopro
-Bike shop: Solution bmx skate shop
-Restaurant chain: Applebees
-Phone: iphone
-Music: rock
-Ramp rider: Mark Webb
-Street rider: David Grant
-Dirt rider: Chris Doyle
-Flatland rider: Matt Wilhelm
-Old school rider: Dave Voelker
-Drink: Gatorade
-Trick: tailwhips
-BMX Magazine: Ride bmx
-BMX MC: Catfish
-Video game: Guitar hero or Rockband
-BMX photographer: fat Tony
-Girl: my girlfriend Kathleen
-Sport besides BMX: football
-Party: the one in my pants