Also Local guys Zack Roberts and Steven Keeling.
-Car: Subaru Legacy
-Movie: The Hangover
-Colour: Red
-Shoes: Orchids for riding, Nikes for chillin'
-Bike company: Eastern Bikes
-BMX contest: Old BS and 2-Hip Series
-Bike shop: 2x4
-Restaurant chain: BoJangles
-Clothing company: 2B Homecooked or Play Clothing
-Phone: Motorola Droid
-Music: Anthrax and Nick Drake
-Ramp rider: Kelly Bolton
-Street rider: Van Homan and Sean Burns
-Dirt rider: Chris Doyle
-Flatland rider: Leif Valin
-Old school rider: Ron Wilkerson
-Drink: Miller High Life
-Trick: No Handed 360s
-BMX Magazine: Ride
-BMX MC: Kevin Martin
-Video game: Mrs. PacMan
-BMX photographer: Mark Losey
-Girl: Katie Ramsdell
-Sport besides BMX: Cornhole
-Party: Yes