show up
-Car: Jeeps
-Movie: Dumb and Dumber
-Colour: Orange
-Shoes: Vans for life
-Bike company: Faction, Odyssey, Proper Bikes
-BMX contest: Red Bull Elevation
-Bike shop: Mojo WHeels
-Restaurant chain: Wendy's
-Clothing company: Dickies
-Phone: One that makes calls
-Music: Hip Hop
-Ramp rider: Jamie Bestwick
-Street rider: Aaron Ross or Garrett Reynolds
-Dirt rider: Corey Bohan
-Flatland rider: Ruben Castillo
-Old school rider: Mike Dominguez
-Drink: Vodka :)
-Trick: Tuck no handers or turndowns
-BMX Magazine: They still have those?
-Video game: Wii basketball
-BMX photographer: Whoever gets the shot
-Girl: My wife
-Sport besides BMX: American Football
-Party: Oh yeah