-BMX video: Nowhere Fast

-Website: Google
-Web video: Grosser/Bayzand blazeguard
-Food: Guacamole
-Travel destination: Somewhere I've never been
-Riders to ride with: All the homies
-Car: nope
-Movie: Midnight Run
-Colour: Blind
-Shoes: Etnies
-Bike company: Wethepeople and Primo
-BMX contest: Old Metro jams

-Bike shop: 3ride
-Restaurant chain: In-n-out
-Clothing company: Etnies
-Phone: shitty ones
-Music: Hip hop
-Ramp rider: Drew Bezanson
-Street rider: Burns and Kachinsky
-Dirt rider: Nasty
-Flatland rider: No clue
-Old school rider: Dave Young
-Drink: Pabst
-Trick: Peg grinds

-BMX Magazine: Dig
-BMX MC: Catfish
-Video game: NBA jam
-BMX photographer: Z
-Girl: Mine, Kayla Francoeur
-Sport besides BMX: eating
-Party: Hard