-Car: Holden ve Maloo ute
-Movie: Taken, Fast and the Furious
-Colour: Gold
-Shoes: DC
-Bike company: Pilgrim Bikes
-BMX contest: Spinal Disorder, Rampfest Best Trick
-Bike shop: Strictly Bmx
-Restaurant chain: McDonalds, Subway
-Clothing company: DC, Unit

-Phone: Iphone
-Music: Lil Wayne, Hilltop Hoods
-Ramp rider: Marc Webb, Harry Main, Dave Mirra
-Street rider: Garrett Reynolds
-Dirt rider: Corey Bohan
-Flatland rider: Simon Obrien
-Old school rider: John Buultjens, Mat Hoffman

-Drink: Redbull
-Trick: NacNacs
-BMX Magazine: 20/20, Focalpoint bmx
-BMX MC: Catfish
-Video game: Mirra 2
-BMX photographer: Cooper Brownlee
-Girl: Imogen Bailey
-Sport besides BMX: Motocross
-Party: House parties Pics by: James Patterson