-Movie: The Big Lebowski is #1, but the latest Rambo is amazing because there's so much good killing.
-Color: red
-Shoes: emerica hsu's/ Lotek Jason Enns
-Bike company: S&M, super good quality.
-BMX contest: 04 Metro in Toronto was beyond epic. I think every pro was ready to die that day!
-Bike shop: CORE is blowin up!
-Restaurant chain: Canada: The Olde Spaghetti Factory. US: Cici's pizza.
-Clothing company: WESZ
-Phone: HTC Touch Pro 2. It's deece, but it runs on windows so I wind up throwing it... A lot.
-Music: I love metal, but I'll tap my foot to anything that isn't U2, Hedley or Hinder.
-Ramp rider: Drew Bezanson/ Danny Hickerson Tie
-Street rider: Van. He's untouchable.
-Dirt rider: Doyle.
-Flatland rider: Phil Dolan.
-Old school rider: Tom Haugen.
-Drink: Orange Juice or Diet pepsi with Lime
-Trick: Downside ice on subs or barspin to walltap. Both scare the shit out of me every time but feel so awesome.
-BMX Magazine: ridebmx
-BMX MC: Paul Hoerdt
-Video game: Quake 3 Arena. "QUAD DAMAGE!" haha
-BMX photographer: who shot Van's 18stair manual? That guy.
-Girl: My special lady Adele Champagne. She's super dialed.
-Sport besides BMX: Kayaking, Bowling, Sailing.
-Party: I'm down. Fu parties at Winward with Ph on the mic are the BEST!
Pics: The bars over ice (Brooks), downside ice/ invert were shot by Richard Desaulniers jr.