-Movie: I always find myself quoting Anchor Man
-Colour: Blue
-Shoes: Vans
-Bike company: Fit/S&M make some really nice stuff!
-BMX contest: Toronto Metro/BMX Jam is always really fun!
-Bike shop: Transition BMX
-Restaurant chain: Earl's is deece for food and waitresses!
-Clothing company: Animal is making some nice stuff, especially those winter jackets!
-Phone: Iphone 4.0
-Music: Country has been taking over the Ipod lately.. Man Progression!
-Ramp rider: Drew B
-Street rider: Nathan Williams
-Dirt rider: Mark Mullville
-Flatland rider: Chase Gouin.. He's Canadian!
-Old school rider: Paul Buchanan! Legend!
-Drink: Pink Grapefruit juice
-Trick: Those nac nac seat grabs is one trick I wish I could do!
-BMX Magazine: Ride
-BMX MC: Catfish
-Video game: COD MW2 until the new one comes out next month hahaha
-BMX photographer: Brooks Reynolds
-Girl: Sloan from Entourage is a win!
-Sport besides BMX: ALMS Car racing
-Party: Nora Cup was pretty darn good
Photos by Ben Kaufmann and Adam Morowka