-Colour: Green. And not for the reasons you’re thinking about.
-Shoes: Orchid V2’s, black
-Bike company: animal bikes, for every reason.
-BMX contest: the last UGP roots jam, only cause that’s the last contest I entered in, and Rob Nolli was the judge!
-Clothing company: Animal bikes, we make good stuff.
-Phone: crackberry
-Restaurant chain: Chipotle, now and forever
-BMX MC: Casio from the Bronx, he can bring the hype to any crowd.
-Bike shop: Ed’s bike shop in Vinland, Tyrone’s Dah Shop in NYC. Holding it down.
-Music: Rick Ross, I don’t know why. I wish we were homies.
-Ramp rider: Taj can ride ramps pretty good.
-Street rider: Taj can hang on street too.
-Dirt rider: Taj can flow on dirt.
-Flatland rider: uuuuuuh, I’m sure Taj has got some moves on flat too.
-Old school rider: Taj is kinda old??, if he’s too young, then Mike Ocobak
-Drink: Arizona ice tea,
-Trick: turndowns. I can do them on anything.
-BMX Magazine: Dig
-Video game: James Bond 007, Nintendo 64, now and forever.
-BMX photographer: Rob Zielinski and Jeff Dolecki
-Girl: My boo, Dana.
-Sport besides BMX: chilling on stoops and snowboarding.
-Party: any party that RedBull throws is always fun.