Chris Doyle: It's the best thing ever! I've been riding the new CDL and it's perfect. I had 100% control over what I wanted to do with it and I couldn't be happier with how it turned out. For me, it's the perfect frame. Jered Raflik at DK was the biggest help with designing it. Thanks Jered!

Chris Doyle: Nah, my schedule and the show schedule usually conflict with one another. I've only done a handfull of shows.
What's your view on the contests these days and which ones are you going to enter in 2006?
Chris Doyle: Hmmmm. I don't really have any beef with contests, I've never been one to hate on 'em. This year's contest schedule includes: All of the dew tours, The CFB, Red Bull "Elevation", Vancouver "Metro Jam", X games (if I get in), The Rebel jam, and hopefully the BMX masters

Chris Doyle: As for park, I like the normal one of two runs count. For dirt, I like it best when it's three runs and they average your best two. I hate the X games judging where only one of three runs counts. That's hurt me the last two years.
Do you prefer jam formats (street) or single runs?
Chris Doyle: Jam format all the way. Personally, single runs tire me out too quickly and I end up not doing something that I'd wanted to do. With a Jam format you have time to rest and recoup and get some stuff done.
You're super consistent with your tricks, do you go all out at every riding session?
Chris Doyle: hmmmm. Not really, but everybody has different definitions of what "going all out" is. I like doing tricks, so it's not uncommon to see some tricks go down during a session.

Chris Doyle: Nah, I'll let EVERYBODY else do 'em.
Who are some of the riders you really admire because of their riding?
Chris Doyle: Brian Foster, Mike Aitken, Corey Bohan, Brian Yeagle, Chase Hawk... those dudes have got some style!
Name some people you really admire not because of their riding but something else?
Chris Doyle: Steve Buddendeck, who's the funniest and smartest person I know... He's done sooo much for me, I'm affraid I'll never be able to repay him. Denise Mock, my girlfriend, who has the most patience in the world... Any girl that can date a pro BMXer is a special lady. My Mother, For raising three hell raisers all on her own.

Chris Doyle: Toyota "Tacoma" 130,000 miles Oh yeah!
How many friends does it fit for a road trip?
Chris Doyle: 4 people at the most and an unlimited number of bikes.
How often do you wash/clean it?
Chris Doyle: Alot actually, I take really good care of it.
What rims are on it?
Chris Doyle: The ones that came on it... Stock!
What's the best feature of the car?
Chris Doyle: Four wheel drive and some big ol' tires. It snows alot in Pittsburgh
If you win the Dew series in 2006, what car are you going to drive?
Chris Doyle: Ooooh, I'll take that new Tacoma they're giving away. Cars are a waste of money. I'll take the money and do something smart with it.

Chris Doyle: Yeah, I'd like to hit the Rebel Jam in Berlin and the BMX Masters. I've heard those are some good comps. I'll probably do the Backyard Jam too... if there is one this year.
Last words/thank you's: Jered and Billy at DK, Dwayne and Ken at DC, Jerry Badders at Pro-Tec, K. Bennett (get off your ass and make a new vid), John Dye, Steve Buddendeck, Cory Muth, Denise Mock, Mom, Bob, and especially all of my friends near and far, without which nothing would be possible or worth a damn.
Photos: BdJ/DK BMX/Steve Buddendeck