What bike are you riding?
Tom: The Free Agent Crown Imperial.
Do you have a spare bike for a different type of riding?
Tom: Yeah, I have a flatland bike, too. It's a Dyno Slammer.

Tom: LG have held events in unconventional places (i.e. China, Korea, Moscow, etc) and I've been fortunate to attend almost all of them. It's been a great experience and a lot of fun. I always look forward to those contests.

Tom: I'm always working on something new. I've just recently learned double whips on vert and am still figuring out the mechanics of that one. I also just learned 360 double whips on box jumps.
How do you see vert riding develop from this point?
Tom: Unfortunately, since few people ride it, it's not progressing as quickly as park or street. But the few guys that are pushing it are getting ridiculous. I was at Woodward recently and saw about 20 things I never even considered possible by the residents there.

Tom: I think everyone should try everything- vert, street, dirt, flatland. There is more to riding than just narrowing yourself to one discipline.
What size is your favorite vert ramp?
Tom: 13.5 is a good size. it feels too big at first, but when you get used to it, it's perfect.
Is it hard to adapt to all the different sizes of vert ramps?
Tom: You just have to figure out the timing really. The first few runs are a little awkward, but after awhile it doesn't feel much different.

Tom: I ride mostly with Dave Brumlow and Rob Nolli when I"m home. They keep things entertaining.
Who is fun to travel with?
Tom: Anyone who isn't going to come back to the hotel room drunk at 3:00 AM or talk on their phone all night. The best travel mates I've had are Jay Eggleston, Jeremy Fanberg, Rob and Dave - guys who are respectful and interested in doing more than drinking all night.

Tom: Sleeping alone is preferable to me; hotel room beds aren't very accomodating to more than one person, especially overseas.
Where can people see you ride in 2006?
Tom: I'll be at all the Dew Tour stops, the LG stops in the states and hopefully most of the international stops as well. I plan at being at NASS in England this summer as well.
Last words: If there is anything else you want to know about me or my sponsors, please visit my personal site at tomhaugenbmx.com or freeagentbmx.com. I am also on myspace if you search my name.