It all started: By riding round jumpin’ ditches and running into this kid that raced. He introduced me to the track and all and here I am now, 15 years later, and I’m still best friends with the kid. Now I’m in magazines, on TV, I’m paid to ride a little kid’s bike for a living, and I’m lovin’ it.

Were you alive when SE was created? I believe I was. TL would know more about that than me...
Favorite thing about SE: They’ve been in the game for a long time and always made nice bikes so apparently they know what they're doin’. And I know Todd Lyons will be an awesome TM and listen to what the riders have to say and look out for them the best he can. If the bikes need changing for some reason to make them better, I know he’ll try to get it done.

When you grow up: What’s that?
Last words: Follow your goals and dreams in life and as long as you enjoy it, that’s all that matters, and last but not least: HOLLA ATCHA BOY!!!
Text: TL/SE
Pics: SE/BdJ