The Hangover
-Colour: Black
-Vert demo: Team Extreme
-Shoes: DC
-Bike company: Hoffman
-BMX VERT contest: (these still happen?) Dewtour
-Bike shop: Radbmxshop
-Restaurant chain: Harvester
-Clothing company: DC and Levis
-Phone: i-phone 4
-Music: UKG, hip-hop, grime
-Vert rider: Jerry Galley, Dave Mirra, Eduardo Terreros, Jan Valenta, Coco, Steve McCann, John Parker
-Old school vert rider: Mat Hoffman
-Drink: Cherry Coke
-Vert Trick: Indian air or a Tomahawk
-BMX Magazine: Albion
-Video game: Streetfighter 2
-BMX photographer: Duncan Smith
-Girl: My girlfriend Vicky
-BMX discipline besides vert: Park
-Vert Party: T-Mobile Extreme Playgrounds