-Food: Pasta
-Car: My good old Ford KA
-Movie: Pulp fiction
-Colour: blue
-Vert demo: My first show in Breukelen (1984) with Jeroen. And Lowlands
-Shoes: Vans
-BMX VERT contest: Pipetribe Dortmund (1997) and the first (Redbull) contest in Knokke Belgium
-Bike shop: Paul's Boutique
-Restaurant chain: Burger King
-Clothing company: Vans
-Phone: Nokia (first edition, just a phone..)
-Music: different kinds
-Vert rider: Jamie Bestwick
-Old school vert rider: Brian Blyther
-Drink: Sportdrinks, Baco
-Vert Trick: Oldschool cancan, like Lee Reynolds and Matt Hoffman
-Girl: Yes!
-BMX discipline besides vert: dirt
-Vert Party: When?