-BMX video: The Hunt, every part is made different how can you get bored?
-Website: I catch myself looking at the Vans site a bit. Lots of goodies on there. B@H also, I hate those guys! ($$$)
-Web video: Tie between Chad Kerley because he probably did it all first try, Harry Main for the wild tricks and boost, and Tom Dugan to watch him air some shit out. Can't leave out Dennis Enarson.
-Food: Love a good sandwich. Got to be fresh bread.
-Travel destination: This year has been incredible, Chile, Scotland, Iraq! I can't decide. Get out there and see the world, it's all good experiences
-Riders to ride with: Foley because he stress's on the way things look so you can't get lazy around him!
-Car: I have an old 2001 Chevy ute, I throw my bike in the back, if I scratch it I don't care, and I don't have a payment. Perfect vehicle.
-Movie: Ned Kelly
-Colour: Black and White, with some grey.
-Shoes: Vans for life.
-Bike company: I've been a Haro fan since I started riding, so Haro!
-BMX contest: Rebel Jam Berlin! Good time, laid back, BMX!
-Bike shop: Strictly BMX in Oz, hit 'em up. Good blokes.
-Restaurant chain: Olive Garden or Outback?
-Clothing company: Krew Jeans probably still after all these years.
-Phone: Iphone, life is easier with this.
-Music: David Bowie, John Lennon, Cold Chisel, The Cure
-Ramp rider: Dennis Enarson, Harry Main and Kyle Baldock
-Street rider: Dennis Enarson, Dave Thompson and Garrett Reynolds
-Dirt rider: Chris Doyle, Mike Aitken, Corey Bohan
-Flatland rider: Matthias Dandois, Simon O'Brien, the Japanese riders also.
-Old school rider: Mat Hoffman, Miron, Mirra, Osato, Mccoy.
-Drink: Love a cold Beer
-Trick: Tables and Can Can's
-BMX Magazine: RideBMX
-BMX MC: Grotbags/Darryl/Catfish 3 way tie, love you all!
-Video game: DM2! That's the only game I have. Not really into that stuff. Don't even have the PS2 to play it!
-BMX photographer: Jeff Z
-Girl: My wife is the one.
-Sport besides BMX: Taking photo's, filming.
-Party: Couple of Beer's, social...