-Movie: this is an Italian real mafia story, it is called: Romanzo Criminale
-Colour: Rasta
-Shoes: Etnies Brian Kachinsky model
-Bike company: Subrosa and Shadow
-BMX contest: il Butta Contest & Frontocean Contest
-Bike shop: Frontocean BMX Distributor
-Restaurant chain: La locanda degli amici
-Clothing company: Etnies
-Phone: old iphone broken
-Music: Rick Ross
-Ramp rider: Dennis Enarson, Stefan Lantschner
-Street rider: Chase Dehart, Alex Kennedy, Simone Barraco
-Dirt rider: Cory Nastazio
-Flatland rider: Matthias Dandois
-Old school rider: Mat Hoffman
-Drink: Panache
-Trick: opposite dowside whip
-BMX Magazine: RideBmx
-BMX MC: il Butta & Catfish
-Video game: Mat Hoffman Pro bmx
-BMX photographer: Jacopo Marchesoni, Ricky Monti
-Girl: I love them all
-Sport besides BMX: party
-Party: where you can drink a lot and turn off your head ahahhahahh