-Street rider: my friend Jason Eustathiou
-Dirt rider: Cory Nastazio
-Flatland rider: Adam Kun
-Old school rider: MAT HOFFMAN
-Spot to ride: mini-ramp or park-BMX video: any video that gets me the feeling I should go out and ride NOW
-Website: Gutlessbmx.com and FATBMX.com
-Riders to ride with: riders that want to ride with me
-Car: Audi
-Movie: Toy Story, The Matrix, 300
-Colour: Gold
-Shoes: Fox Overload Deluxe Hi
-Bike company: WETHEPEOPLE
-BMX contest: Vans RebelJam
-Bike shop: 2DKsports
-Restaurant chain: Applebees
-Clothing company: Fox racing
-Phone: iPhone
-Music: Rock
-Drink: Monster Energy
-BMX Magazine: don't read that much
-BMX MC: Catfish and Darryl Nau
-Video game: Crysis
-BMX photographer: Ilias Mertis
-Girl: Lucy Pinder
-Sport besides BMX: Karate