-Colour: Teal
-Shoes: Orchid
-Bike company: DK Bicycles
-Spot to ride: A dialed set of trails, or Rye Airfield just because it's home
-BMX video: Anthem II
-Website: youtube. So many laughs on there
-Web video: Drew Bezanson
-Food: Grilled chicken or Pizza
-Travel destination: anywhere with a beach and good spots
-Riders to ride with: Aaron Smith, Zak Earley, Clint Reynolds, all my DK dudes, Anthony Napo, Seth Klinger, too many friends to name
-Car: Audi
-Movie: Wedding Crashers, Step Brothers
-Bike shop: Eastern Boarder
-Restaurant chain: Noodles and co.
-Clothing company: Fox
-Phone: iPhone 4
-Music: Lil wayne
-Ramp rider: Drew Bezanson
-Street rider: Garrett Reynolds
-Dirt rider: Clint Reynolds
-Flatland rider: Matthias Dandois, Catfish
-Old school rider: Joe Johnson
-Drink: milkshake
-Trick: can't go wrong with a tabletop
-BMX Magazine: DIG
-BMX MC: I want to see Catfish, Grotbags, and Darryl Nau all on the deck
-Video game: not really my thing
-BMX photographer: Jeff Allen
-Sport besides BMX: Snowboarding, wakeboarding
-Party: anywhere there's good drinks and friends
Pics by Jeff Hall and Jeff Brockmeyer