-Riders to ride with: Michele Virdis; Davide Altobelli; Simone Barraco, Alessandro Barbero; Christian Higgs.
-Car: I'd like have a Mustang gt (old school)
-Movie: Donnie Darko; Transformers; Wild
-Colour: Red
-Shoes: Nike 6.0 Air Mogan Mid 2, Maverik 2's are very good
-Bike company: Cult, S&M, Fit bike.
-BMX contest: Rebel jam; Simpel Session
-Bike shop: Frontocean bmx
-Restaurant chain: I love subway!
-Clothing company: Nike
-Music: Rap; Hip hop, rock.
-Ramp rider: Mad Dog; Dennis Enarson, Scotty Cranmer; Drew Bezanson.
-Dirt rider: Mike Aitken; Chase Hawk; Corey Bohan.
-Street rider: Simone Barraco; Garret Reynolds; Brad Simms, Dennis Enarson
-Flatland rider: I don't follow the flat
-Old school rider: Fabio Limonta (Italian guy)
-Drink: Mojto, Beer.
-Trick: Flair, 180 whip over the spine.
-BMX Magazine: Cream Bmx, Ride Bmx
-BMX MC: Catfish and Darryl Nau
-Video game: I do not spend much time to play to the videogames, but sometimes I enjoy myself playing Granturismo with my brother
-BMX photographer: Riccardo Monti
-Sport besides BMX: MX, Skateboarding.
-Phone: The simplest! One that does not make photographs! and that when it falls, it does not break like the new smartphone!
-Girl: I like to know many girls, it is very more interesting than to know boys, ahah. I love so much girls.
-Party: only with Simone Barraco, Davide Altobelli; Carletto Cagnetta; and sometimes with Alessandro Barbero... all crazy people!