-Car: Mercedes Viano, gonna change it by Chrysler 300C touring
-Movie: All Rocky's movies.
-Colour: Matt white, Matt black. (what I curently like right now)
-Shoes: Nike 6.0 Mavrk MID 2, and for riding using Nike 6.0 Mogan mid 2
-Bike company: 34R (from riders to riders)
-BMX contest: Rebel jam, just missed it...:-/
-Bike shop: Bmxstore.eu
-Restaurant chain: Vapiano...?
-Clothing company: Nike for sure, and my longtime love Harley-Davidson.
-Website: Berry-bike.com, sprdword
-Web video: This one! or let's say... this one.
-Food: Rice, Pasta, steaks...
-Ramp rider: Drewwww Bezanson babe!
-Street rider: Garret Reynolds, Sean Ricany...oops forgot badass Chad Kerley.
-Dirt rider: Stephen Murray "Stay Strong", Dusan Antalik
-Flatland rider: Mathias Dandois
-Old school rider: Jay Miron
-Drink: RB
-Trick: or treat...
-BMX Magazine: Bmx lolitas.
-BMX MC: Catfish the stranger in danger...
-Video game: Battlefield 2, Counter-strike, Dave Mirra freestyle BMX
-BMX photographer: Jan Kanurek.cz, Dan Vojtech
-Girl: still have, thank you.
-Sport besides BMX: Gym, Fitness, Airsfot, skeet(trap) shooting.
-Party: at Simpel Session best of the best every year...