-Web video: Love this one
-Food: Doener from Stralsund
-Riders to ride with: all my friends
-Car: VW Passat 2,5 TDI V6
-Movie: Simpsons the movie
-Colour: Aqua
-Shoes: Nike
-Bike company: BSD and Profile
-BMX contest: Rebeljam in Eindhoven
-Ramp rider: Drew Bezanson
-Dirt rider: Dane Searls, RIP!
-Street rider: Eduards Zunda
-Flatland rider: My answer to this one.
-Old school rider: Mat Hoffman!
-Drink: Beer!
-Trick: Transfers
-BMX Magazine: FreedomBMX
-BMX MC: Catfish
-Video game: Mat Hoffman's pro Bmx
-BMX photographer: Martin Ohliger aka XMX
-Girl: my MUM
-Sport besides BMX: Party hard
-Party: Adventsjam Aurich aftershowparty