-Car: Subaru impreza station 4x4
-Movie: Once upon a time in America
-Colour: Red
-Shoes: Lotek Mike Aitken mid.
-Bike company: Terrible one
-BMX contest: Bogiatiland contest, Rebeljam, Simpel Session.
-Bike shop: Rideon distro
-Restaurant chain: No junk food
-Clothing company: Carhartt
-Phone: An old as fuck Nokia
-Music: Bobby Marley
-Ramp rider: Panos Manaras, Joe Rich, Dennis Enarson
-Street rider: John Manaras, J Efstathiou, Garrett Reynolds
-Dirt rider: Tasos Kosmatopoulos, Sean Sexton, Chris Doyle
-Flatland rider: George Manos pegless flatlander, George Kikos
-Old school rider: Chris Stauferr!, Manolis Katsimpris
-Drink: Ouzo mix
-Trick: 360 lookdowns (clicked)
-BMX Magazine: Ride UK

-BMX MC: Catfish, J.M.
-Video game: Mafia 2
-BMX photographer: Tasos Kosmatopoulos, George Vitsaras, Ilias Mertis, Geo tz, Korina dim.
-Girl: Many fishes in the sea
-Sport besides BMX: Muay thai Rama camp
-Party: Any party with happy people and lots of booze...