-Spot to ride: a new street spot or Jussin
-BMX video: United
-Website: facebook
-Web video: Erik Elstran and his crew
-Food: chicken wings
-Travel destination: Paris
-Riders to ride with: my friends
-Car: Mustang
-Shoes: I had some great Vans, but they only sell some shitty models at the stores now, so I have Visions
-Bike company: Odyssey
-BMX contest: Simple Session
-Bike shop: Mystic
-Restaurant chain: McDonald's
-Clothing company: I have no idea
-Phone: Nokia
-Music: old rock
-Ramp rider: Gary Young
-Street rider: Sean Burns
-Dirt rider: Aitken
-Old school rider: Jim C
-Drink: ice tea
-Trick: bunnyhop
-BMX Magazine: Ride
-BMX MC: the fuck ?
-Video game: Solitare
-Girl: Keiri Isop
-Sport besides BMX: horse riding
-Party: yeah