Bobby D420!, Paul Radosivich, Jake Thacker, Juicer, Erik Ambrose, JIM THE BIG SMOOTHY GALL, Nick Digeraloma, Matt O, Nad(who never rides), Squid, Andy, Johnny D, Johnny W, Johnny S, The hardest dude in the game DAMIAN RACUT!, Rob D, Justin Simpson and Jeff Genzen.
-Movie: Fight Club
-Spot to ride: Chenga 1(rip) and Corde Trails(rip)
-BMX video: Nowhere Fast, Blueprint, and Criminal Mischief I can't pick one ha
-Web video: Rob Diquattro!
-Food: Grits! Corned Beef!
-Travel destination: Greenville NC!
-Colour: Green
-Shoes: adidas? it will change tomorrow
-Bike company: Solid Bikes, Odyssey parts, Team Blowin' it pads!
-BMX contest: Local skatepark contest. There is not enough these days and the vibe was real.
-Bike shop: Spin Cycles
-Restaurant chain: Applebees
-Clothing company: Animal
-Phone: Windows Phone
-Music: MISFITS! Hip hop, metal, and 70s funk lately
-Ramp rider: After Toronto I would have to say Drew Bezanson. Dennis Enarson is an animal as well
-Overall rider: JAY MIRON!
-Street rider: Is their anyone better then Van Homan?
-Dirt rider: Chris Doyle
-Flatland rider: Paul Osicka
-Old school rider: He is not exactly old. But he does keep it as old school as possible Glenn Johnson. Ultimately DMC and hes still killing it!
-Drink: Should be water, MOUNTAIN DEW
-Trick: 360s
-BMX Magazine: Dig
-BMX MC: Catfish
-Girl: Fallon Champagne is the only one I can put up with. They are all crazy though!
-Video game: MARIO
-BMX photographer: James Maradits
-Sport besides BMX: Soccer
-Party: Nope:)